
A Day Date to Sasha Farm

A Day Date to Sasha Farm

Doggy Do Good at Sasha Farm

My sister is a hard lady to get a date with - she has a young son and is a school teacher - she lives a few hours away from us - her life is full . . . . but when we suggested a date to Sasha Farm in Manchester, Michigan - she packed up the car and headed our way.

And, we had an awesome day!!

The sanctuary is in the beautiful countryside - just outside of a small, Michigan town.  Residing there, are some feisty and loveable potbelly pigs - a cat house - goats - horses and many more - including the VERY sweet and snuggly OX Bhima - honestly - he's worth the visit - from where ever you live.  A rare sighting for the midwest.

We spent the entire day visiting and eating amazing vegan fare from various food trucks - it was a wonderful way to spend quality time with family.

Seeing my nephew show such understanding, compassion and kindness to each animal - asking questions about them - feeding them - understanding that you need to be careful in how you approach them and to watch their behaviors - it will make him a stronger and kinder man as he grows up and we desperately need many more of those out in the world. 

Check out Sasha Farms website to support their amazing work or check their events page to visit.

Doggy Do Good at Sasha Farm

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