From Hero to Zero

Introducing ZERO™ Pet Waste Bags

Crafted from 65% post-consumer recycled plastic and featuring our Eco-Accelerated™ formula, these are the first bags engineered specifically for landfills.

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ZERO Pet Waste Bags

120 Landfill-Friendly Bags
65% Recycled Plastic, Eco-Accelerated Formula

ZERO Pet Waste Bags

240 Landfill-Friendly Bags
65% Recycled Plastic, Eco-Accelerated Formula

Introducing ZERO

Let's Break it Down

Why do we need a landfill-friendly pet waste bag?

Our Home Compostable Bags are a great option for those who compost at home. But for those who don't compost, there are very few industrial waste management facilities in North America that accept pet waste for composting.

We believe that if plastic does end up in landfills, its natural end of life should be drastically shortened to reduce the build-up of plastic waste. Scroll down to learn more...



One plastic bag can take over 500 years to degrade in a landfill.


Only 9% of the world's plastic gets recycled each year.


Every bag that has ever been put in a landfill still exists.

Microplastics 👎

Regular plastic bags photodegrade, breaking down into smaller and smaller pieces over time, which can persist in the environment.

*Not all landfills are waste to energy facilities. Please check your local municipality.

Designed for dog owners.

Engineered for landfills.

Zero Pet Waste Bags are formulated to attract microbes and enhance their ability to eat plastics in oxygen-free, microbe-rich environments such as landfills, oceans and soil. What would normally take centuries to do, now happens at an accelerated rate.

We use 65% post-consumer recycled plastic in our production process to give plastic a second life before our organic, non-toxic additive Plasgreen accelerates the plastic's end-of-life in a landfill.

This removes plastic from our planet without creating microplastics.

Why did we create ZERO bags?

"We don’t want to see plastic end up in landfills, but when it does, we want to ensure its natural end of life is dramatically accelerated to help reduce the build-up of plastic waste."

David Wesch
Founder and CEO of Doggy Do Good

Let's Compare

Pet Waste Bag Options

There are many options for pet waste bags on the market today. Each has their own pros, cons and tradeoffs. Click on each option below to learn more.

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